As in every other page of the book; as
Mukherjee was telling the tale of a young , impassioned oncologist ; the 36 year old Donald Pinkel who had decided to look at experimenting with a regimen of high dose chemotherapy and brought his Leukemia trial on 36 little patients to this town that was “turbulent ,unpredictable, perennially warm and medically speaking a no man’s land “ . But Pinkel was sure of what he wanted to do and even more sure that he would succeed – he was going to push high dose combination therapy to its extreme and see how the little ones who seemed to have no chance at all be given some ray of hope to live .
The year was 1961 and when Pinkel arrived there , the hospital “ r
Something about the struggle those little ones were going through and the manic efforts on the part of the young Pinkel to give them a glimmer of hope and the most unlikely setting portrayed in the book tugged at my conscience and it felt good to read that eventually there was a great measure of success in the trial . I did some fact finding about St Jude for I was very intrigued about a children’s facility being built in the heart of nowhere. All I knew was that St Jude was the patron Saint of Hopeless Causes and tha
Danny Thomas a little known night club entertainer, was struggling to make a go of it in show business. His family was growing and he was barely earning enough to get by. A stagehand had once confided in him that his prayers to St Jude had saved his wife from cancer and he too prayed for strength to succeed in his profession and promised he would “do something big” in St Jude’s name if he managed to gain a measure of economic security.
He did find tremendous success and popularity eventually and it is said that in the midst of his newly-found professional success, he had completely forgotten his earlier prayers and promises to Saint Jude. But it was not for long and it was this Hollywood star’s renewed devotion to St Jude that was responsible for his gifting the country the now world-famous St. Jude Children’s
When I was invited, along with my colleagues from the Max Foundation to attend and present at their soon to be held conference I knew it was not just a coincidence but as Danny Thomas himself once spoke about how he believed the saint helped him ‘It was like a miracle, the way it happened,’ he had said. ‘You believe in miracles, don’t you?’”
We were lucky to have some time away from the conference to meet
I share with you some excerpts from the St Jude ABCs of Cancer – a book I am so happy I picked up at their gift shop ; a book that has allowed me to glimpse into those brave little minds full of positive thinking and generosity of spirit in the midst of their great personal hardship and a world that is seemingly crumbling around them.
L is for Lucky
I am lucky for many things
I am lucky I survived my brain tumour
I am lucky my Mom found St Jude’s
I am lucky St Jude’s is the best hospital
Christian , age9
V is for Vida (life)
Life is a learning experience
That teaches us to face
Difficult moments with bravery
And to appreciate the beautiful moments
That life brings to us
I love Life and for that reason I am happy
Grace age 6
S is for St Jude
Sickle Cell makes you sad
St Jude makes you glad
Sickle cell makes you cry
St Jude makes you fly
Sickle Cell needs a cure
St Jude will find one for sure
Courtney age 7
Sickle Cell disease
J is for St Jude
St Jude makes me Jump for Joy
I love the Jukebox
I enjoy St Jude
Abigail age 6
A is for ALIVE
All the shots I had to get that made me cry,
And all of that nasty medicine that me
Sick, it was all worth it because I am ALIVE
Thank you St Jude
Asia age 10
Viji, thank you for sharing that. Now I understand the background to your posts while you were in Memphis. I had no idea about St. Jude's Children's Hospital and that Danny Thomas was a benefactor.
Viji how could I have missed this!
I have been following your blog at intervals and gathered that you are involved in support for cancer patients and their families. Can you send me some info for this support in Chennai? Thanks in advance.
I also want to thank you and your organization for the wonderful help you provide to those in need. We need compassionate people like you.
Oh, sorry, I forgot - I need to give my Google account so you can give me the address. Sorry.
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